SHA3K/Stina Hellberg Agback 3000: Stina Hellberg Agback, harp Tove Brandt, bass Djamel Baroudi, drums Exploring the world in between modern jazz and Amercian football. Winning isn't everything.
Tove Brandt is a musician with a long resume. Her merits are academic as well as practical. She has toured sweden and Europe for the last 10 years as a freelance bassplayer on both electric and upright bass playing flamenco, blues, jazz, folkmusic and hiphop.
The Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory, Prague: Freestanding courses, two years
Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music, specialisation in improvisation
SHA3K/Stina Hellberg Agback 3000: Stina Hellberg Agback, harp Tove Brandt, bass Djamel Baroudi, drums Exploring the world in between modern jazz and Amercian football. Winning isn't everything.
AMONG LYNX is the Root Rock band with a musical punch-in-the face mindset. They will take you on a journey through dirty alleyways of polluted cities, to deserted back-roads on the countryside, to lush vegetation of ancient forests.
Into The Wild tar fasta på det bästa med den skandinaviska jazzmusiken: musik som bärs fram av vackra kompositioner, tydligt bandsound och ett ödmjukt samspel. Into The Wild leder med fast hand publiken sömlöst från meditativa klangvärldar till vilda utbrott.
Gethenian Suite är en musikalisk tolkning av en roman. Fristående från Ursula Le Guins feministiska science fictionklassiker Left Hand of Darkness men ändå en del av samma universum. En filmisk konsertupplevelse i gränslandet mellan kammarmusik, jazz och rymdpop.